Pooja Gandhi debuts in a Malayalam film not for the passion to work in another industry but for the lady director, Revathy S Varma. "I took up this project only for this wonderful lady, who is very talented in her creativity and is technically brilliant," she says.She plays Lisa Mollu (girl) in her first Malayalam film titled, \'Maad Dad\' which she is currently shooting for. Having done one or two films in Tamil, Pooja had never tried to work in other regional languages down south. "Language was never a barrier for me. I will remain a Kannadiga throughout my career. Once in a while getting into another language gives a change to any actor," says Pooja. The film which is a comedy entertainment will see Pooja as a tomboyish rich girl. "I make an entry in a bullet for this film," reveals the actress, adding, "This is a hatke role for me, which I got out of chance."...(More..) |