Tamilselvanum Thaniyaar Anjalum is the upcoming production movie of director Gautham Menon. Jai and Richa Gangopadhyay are playing the lead roles and is directed by Prem Sai.Santhanam will provide the comic relief in Tamilselvanum Thaniyaar Anjalum that has released the firstlook poster recently. Firstlook of Tamilselvanum Thaniyaar Anjalum looks superb with Jai riding the bike, while VTV Ganesh and Santhanam is sitting at the back looking through the binoculars. Script of Tamilselvanum Thaniyaar Anjalum was written by Prem Sai, cinematography by Om Prakash and art by Rajeevan among the technical crew.Playback singer Karthik, who has debuted as music composer with Aadhi's Aaravan will score for this Tamilselvanum Thaniyaar Anjalum too. By the way Richa will be pairing opposite Tollywood actor Nithin for the Telugu version of this movie titled as 'Courier boy Kalyan'. ...(More..) |