Some media spoke to Emraan Hashmi at an event in Delhi, they asked him what sort of preparation he did for his role in the upcoming Dibakar Banerjee flick. Emraan said that \"He watched a lot of p***.\" He also revealed how Dibakar convinced him to become Jogi Parmar (his character in the film). He said, \"Dibakar told me that my role will be that of a small time journalist, who even shoots small p**** films to earn a living. He told me, \'Yeh sab jo role play kiya hai tumne apni har movie mein camera ke samne, ab camera ke peeche yeh sab shoot karna hai.\' He actually made me graduate with this character. Also in this movie, he has made me run after the girl. Har picture mein ladkiyan mere peeche bhaagti hain, lekin iss film mein main Kalki ke peeche bhaag raha hoon.\" ...(More..) |