Jr.NTR's new film 'Oosaravelli' has been sold out for distributors for whopping Rs. 43 crores on the day of its movie launch, this is the record price in tollywood industry. The movie was sold for Rs. 15 crores in Andhra Region, Rs. 8 Crores in Rayalaseema Region, Rs. 8 Crores in Nizam Region and Rs. 12 crores in other places. Jr.NTR said, "I am very happy that the distributors have kept faith on movie and me". The shooting of this film was formally started on November 17th at Annapurna studios, Hyderabad. BVSN Prasad is producing the movie under the banner Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra . The film is been directed by Surender Reddy. Milky white beauty Tammannah will play female lead role in this movie and Harika is playing second heroine role.. The film has cinematography by Rasool Ellore, music by Devi Sri Prasad, dialogues by Koratala Siva and story by Vakantam Vamsi.
Read more: http://www.cinecoffee.com/film-news/full-story.php?q=jr-ntr-oosaravelli-sold-out-for-record-price---rs-43-crores#ixzz1Ze2US4IU