Ram Charan's Rachcha, in the direction of Sampath Nandi, is yet to go to the sets but story discussions are in full swing for director V V Vinayak's next movie with Ram Charan. Akula Shiva, a regular writer with Vinayak, has already prepared a basic plot for this movie and is currently developing the script.
Vinayak is now filming last portions of his film Badrinath starring Allu Arjun. Soon after the release of this movie in June, Vinayak will begin shooting Ram Charan's flick, sources told.
Vinayak made blockbuster Tagore with Chiranjeevi earlier and now he is brought in to give another blockbuster to Chiru's son. This will be his fourth film with a hero from mega family.
Status on 'Rachcha'
On the other hand, director Sampath Nandi is now giving final touches to his script with the writers duo Parachuri Brothers.