Undoubtedly Ileana is number one heroine in Telugu film industry as charges more than Rs 1.5 Crores per film. Though she is still chased by top directors and heroes for their films, flops continue to haunt her. Last year, she had flops with Rechchipo and Saleem and this year Shakti turned out to be another disaster in her career.
Containing rate of flops is her urgent mission if she has to retain her position as numero uno actress. She now puts all hopes on her forthcoming films - Puri Jagannadh directed Nenu Naa Rakshasi (releasing on April 29) and Shankar directed Tamil film, Nanban (releasing in July/August).
Containing rate of flops is her urgent mission if she has to retain her position as numero uno actress. She now puts all hopes on her forthcoming films - Puri Jagannadh directed Nenu Naa Rakshasi (releasing on April 29) and Shankar directed Tamil film, Nanban (releasing in July/August).